Applications for academic year 2022/23 are now open and will be eligible for a stall at Welcome Week 2022. 

If you have a great idea for a new club or society, then you can apply for it to be affiliated to COBC Students’ Union. Affiliation to the Union provides a lot of great benefits, including:

  • Access to rooms and facilities
  • Support, development and advice from staff and officers
  • Networking and collaboration with like minded societies
  • Funding (limited and not guaranteed) and accounting/banking services
  • Publicity and promotion services

How do I start a new society?

  • If you want to start a club or society, make sure there isn’t one already existing that does the same activities, or is based on the same idea – there’s no point in duplicating. Check the Clubs and Societies tab on this page for details of existing clubs.
  • Complete a society registration form and signature sheet from this page.
  • Get a group of like minded fellow students together, to sit down and discuss what the basic activities and functions of your club are going to be. Will you be going on trips, are you discussing something, will you need training etc?
  • You need at least two people to form a society; to be a President and Treasurer.
  • Collect the names and contact information of your first 5 members on the provided signature sheet and send to There is no deadline for this!
  • Remember, if you have any questions please contact